Student/Parent Handbook 2019-2020
Welcome to Midway:
A National Blue Ribbon Award Winning School
Welcome to the 2019-2020 school year at Midway Elementary School! We are so glad you are part of the Midway family, and we get to be part of your child’s educational journey. We are looking forward to an exciting school year filled with many opportunities for learning.
This Student Handbook contains useful information highlighting guidelines, routines, and policies necessary for a successful school year for both you and your child.
We look forward to meeting our new families and working with all families for this school year. It is our mission to provide every student every day with an education of a lifetime!
Randall Johnson, Principal
Table of Contents
General Schedule
Arrival Information
Dismissal Information
Early Dismissal Days
Riding Buses
Curriculum Offerings & Special Programs
Reading/Language Arts
Internet Access
Gifted Education (Project Excel)
Special Education Services/504
Student Success Team
Documentation of Student Progress
Standards of Learning (SOLs)
Homework Guidelines
Report Cards
Official School Records
Promotion/Retention or Administrative Placement
Student Recognition
Honor Roll
Gold and Silver Star Awards
Food Services
Cafeteria Rules
Parent and Community Support
PTO (Parent/Teacher Organization)
School Volunteer Program
School Board Meetings
Visiting the School and Telephone Calls
Homeroom and Parent Parties
Parent Support for Creating a Positive School Experience
Emergency Situations
Emergency Closing
Weather Warnings
Fire Drills
Intruder Drills
Bus Evacuation Drills
Illness or Injury
Medication at School
Student Conduct
Student Discipline
Elementary Student Dress Code
Registration and Class Enrollment
Kindergarten Registration
Emergency Health Card
Guardianship/Legal Policy
School Fees
Policies and Procedures Relating to Students
Early Dismissal from School
Lost and Found
Returned Checks
Minute of Silence
Nondiscrimination Statement
Drug Free Work Place
General Schedule
8:00 a.m. — Office Opens
8:10 a.m. — Teachers Report
8:20 a.m. — Buses Unload/Car Riders Released (Students going to breakfast may enter school at 8:15 PM)
8:35 a.m. — Tardy Bell (Students arriving after 8:35 am must sign in with a parent/guardian in the office)
8:40 a.m. — Morning Announcements/Moment of Silence
3:25 p.m. — All Car Riders Dismissed to Cafeteria
3:30 p.m. — Board Buses
3:35 p.m. — Buses Depart
3:50 p.m. — Teachers Dismissed
4:30 p.m. — Office Closes
All visitors must report directly to the main office and obtain a visitor’s pass. Visitors must possess and present a valid ID.
Arrival Information
If you are using the student drop off between 8:20 and 8:30:
- Enter school driveway with caution following the Sheriff Deputy’s directive.
- Stop at crosswalk following Staff Member with the STOP flag directive.
- As soon as the staff member on duty gives the exit signal, students should exit on the right hand side of the vehicle.
- Students should walk down the sidewalk and enter the building at the Main Entrance.
- Stop at the first stop sign and yield to incoming school buses following the Sheriff Deputy’s directive.
If you plan to accompany your child into the building between 8:20 and 8:30:
- Please park in the “Additional Visitor Parking” area located near the Kindergarten/2nd grade wing. This parking lot can be accessed through Midway Road.
- Walk with your child to the Main Entrance.
- Sign-in at the main office. (Must have ID to sign in)
- Please exit through the Main Entrance/Exit door.
*Students should not arrive before 8:20 a.m. We do not have staff assigned for supervision. If a child arrives after 8:35, the parent should park in the AM visitor parking and walk the student to the Main Office to receive a tardy slip.
*Please see map located below.
Dismissal Information
Car Riders
Persons responsible for picking up students in the afternoon from the school should be in the cafeteria no earlier than 3:25 p.m.
- Please enter the cafeteria by the side door next to the visitor parking lot.
- Adults wait in the designated area.
- Students will be seated at a designated table until they are picked up. The teacher on duty by the hall door will monitor student’s arrival to the cafeteria.
- Persons responsible for pick up must sign children out at the table before exiting the cafeteria. Be prepared to show ID. After sign out has been completed for all children in your care, please exit as quickly as possible. Do not send children to the parking lot without you.
- Afternoon car riders will be dismissed from the cafeteria only. Please do not go to the office to sign-out your child. Office dismissals are registered as “early dismissals.”
- Students will not be allowed to re-enter the building until all buses have departed.
- If your child is not a regular car rider, he/she must have a note to be picked up in the cafeteria. This note must be turned in to the teacher in the morning, so that the office can be notified.
- If we do not have parental notification, your child will be sent home on his/her regular afternoon bus. Children are frequently confused by verbal instructions. Please do not tell your child that you are picking him/her up without sending a not to verify this change.
- When exiting the parking lot, pass through the “Stop Sign” lane, and wait to be dismissed by the staff member with the flag. For the safety of all, do not exit through the gate beside the cafeteria during arrival and dismissal times. Cars will be held in the driveway while buses are dismissed.
- We cannot call classrooms to dismiss individual children at the end of the day unless it is an emergency situation. This helps provide a smooth closing and dismissal for all students.
*Please see Car-Rider Cafeteria Dismissal illustration below.
Bus Riders
We ask that you call to make bus changes only in emergency situations, if necessary, prior to 3:00 p.m. This will cut down on mistakes and confusion at dismissal time.
Early Dismissal Days
The school calendar for 2019-2020 includes early dismissal for students on the following dates: September 24, October 22, November 19, February 17, March 17, June 10 and 11. Buses will be dismissed at 12:00 pm on these dates and car riders at 11:50 am. Lunch will be served prior to dismissal on early release days.
Riding Buses
The operation of buses will be governed by two compelling forces: (1) safety and (2) state and county regulations which govern all our practices. All students will receive a copy of the County Bus Rules and Regulations as part of the Code of Student Conduct book. These rules are to be read, reviewed, and signed to acknowledge by the student and his/her parents. Undesirable and/or disruptive conduct on the bus can lead to suspension from bus transportation for students.
It is absolutely necessary for an adult to be at the bus stop with younger students, both morning and afternoon, to help ensure their safe transportation. Having parents or other responsible adults at the bus stop is a way of assisting the children to ensure that nothing happens at the bus stop that might jeopardize our children’s safety. If the responsible adult is not in visual view, the bus driver may return your child(ren) to the school for parents to pick up. Repeat offenses will result in further actions being taken.
The transportation department requests that you do not purchase book bags on wheels for your child. No bags are allowed on the buses that cannot be held in a student’s lap. Also remember, glass containers and live animals cannot be transported on the bus. For safety reasons, objects must fit in a student’s lap without sticking out into the aisle or a neighbor’s seat space in order to be transported on the bus.
The transportation department requests if you have problems or questions regarding bus drivers or stops, please call the bus garage at 804-469-4680.
Students ride the bus that has been routed for their street or area. Bus schedules are published on the county website. If for some valid reason a child is to ride another bus on a particular day, he/she must have a written note signed by the parent/guardian indicating the request and reason. Students will not be permitted to ride another bus unless a note has been presented to the office and the office staff has issued a bus pass. This note should contain your child’s first and last name, the date, the full name, address, and phone number of the person whose house he/she is going to, the bus number, and your full name and phone number where you can be reached.
Curriculum Offerings & Special Programs
Students will be actively involved in learning in the content areas of language arts, math, science, and social studies on a daily basis. Each student will also have the opportunity to participate weekly in resource instruction including art, music, physical education, and library.
Reading/Language Arts
Students will participate in 120 minutes of concentrated reading/language arts (grammar, spelling and writing) instruction daily using a variety of resources. Students struggling with the acquisition of grade level reading skills may receive assistance from the Reading Interventionist in addition to classroom instruction. Students needing assistance are identified using our county wide nine weeks’ tests, pre and post testing, and teacher observations.
Midway has a STEAM Lab, wireless laptop carts, ChromeBooks, projectors, smart boards, Promethean boards, IPADs, and other technology resources. Our building has wireless Internet access. Midway students and teachers receive the assistance of the ITRT (Instructional Technology Resource Teacher). All students and staff must comply with the Acceptable Computer Use Policy contained in the Code of Conduct Handbook to retain computer privileges.
Internet Access
Internet access is provided by Dinwiddie County Public Schools for students and staff to research, communicate with others for instructional purposes, and use as an educational tool. The division provides web filtering as required by law and in compliance with the Children’s Internet Protection Act. The completion of academic coursework benefits from school access to the Internet. For example, online information databases needed for research and purchased as subscriptions by the division may sometimes only be accessed via the school’s network.
If you do not want your child to be issued an Internet account or to be able to access the Internet, you may pick up an opt-out request form from the school office.
Guidance services include individual and group counseling for students. Classroom guidance activities are provided with attention on character traits, career development, study skills, family life curriculum, and working cooperatively with others to foster a more effective learning environment for students. Please contact the School Counselor for additional information on available guidance services or for opt-out information.
Assembly programs are scheduled throughout the school year. The programs are designed to broaden our students’ knowledge, stimulate their interests, and provide cultural experiences. PTO funding makes many of these programs possible for our students. In addition, each grade level is responsible for a program that students perform during the year.
Gifted Education (Project Excel)
The search for academically gifted students in our school division is an on-going process that begins in kindergarten. A pool of candidates is created through a referral process and by regular screening of achievement test scores, grades, classroom surveys, honor rolls and student products. After reviewing a student profile, which includes an individual IQ score, achievement test information, teacher ratings, and a student portfolio, an Identification Placement Committee determines eligibility. Gifted services may be implemented only with parental permission.
If you would like to refer a student for gifted services or need more information about the Gifted Program, please call the School Board Office at 804-469-4190. Information on referrals may be obtained from the guidance department in each school. A copy of the Gifted Education Plan for Dinwiddie County Public Schools is available at every school and at the School Board Office.
Special Education Services/504
Special Education is specially designed instruction, at no cost to parents, to meet the unique needs of a child with a disability. Any child age 2 through 21, who is suspected of having a disability, referred, and found eligible for special education services by a team of qualified professionals, will have an Individualized Education Plan (IEP). The Special Education Coordinator, who serves as a resource person, will assist with any questions or concerns regarding these issues. Students with disabilities that impact major life activities, qualify for accommodations through a 504 plan. Contact the School Counselor for more information.
Student Success Team
The Student Success Team at Midway meets to problem-solve ideas to assist students who are experiencing difficulty with academics, emotional, behavioral, and/or attendance issues. We encourage parents to participate in this problem solving team when needed to help assist their child. A referral can be made by parents, teachers, administrators, or other concerned adults. The Principal serves as the chairperson. Referrals or questions concerning the Student Success Team should be directed to the School Counselor.
Students will check out books weekly from our school library. Each class has a scheduled library day, but students may also come for extra check out during posted times: This allows students to read as many books as desired. Library books should be kept in a safe place at home. If a library book becomes lost or damaged, it should be reported to the librarian, so a replacement can be made. Parents are responsible for the replacement cost of lost or damaged books.
Documentation of Student Progress
Standards of Learning (SOLs)
The Standards of Learning set by the state of Virginia set reasonable targets and expectations for what teachers need to teach and students need to learn at each grade level in the areas of reading, language arts, writing, math, science, social studies, art, music, and PE. It is important to realize the school’s accreditation, and each child’s success in meeting grade level expectations through the grade levels, is dependent on meeting these standards. Please be familiar with the standards for your child’s grade level and help us ensure his/her success. SOLs by grade level, subject and resource content areas are posted on the Virginia Department of Education web site as well as DCPS web site under Elementary Education and Title I, under Elementary Curriculum.
Homework Guidelines
Homework is any assignment that is done outside the classroom. It has three main functions: to reinforce prior learning, to help students expand prior learning, and to prepare for new learning.
Homework at Midway Elementary School can be divided into six basic categories:
- Specific written assignments
- Specific reading assignments
- Preparation of long-range projects
- Review of notes and study guides
- Studying for assigned quizzes and tests
- Nightly reading
The amount of time spent on homework may vary according to the grade level of the student, the subject matter being covered, and the needs and abilities of each student. On the average, students at Midway Elementary School should spend no more than 30 minutes on homework each night.
Homework plays an important role in helping students develop responsible work habits. Parents can assist by checking homework and making sure young students establish the habit of putting completed homework in a designated folder in the student’s book bag to be returned to school the next day. For older students, the responsibility for completing and returning homework should rest with the student. Of course, parental assistance in helping older students establish this routine may be necessary.
Report Cards
Report cards will be sent home every nine weeks on the days indicated on the school calendar (see back cover). Progress reports will be sent home half way through each nine weeks for every student on designated days. Please be alert to these important documents. These should be signed and returned to the School. 1st-5th grade parents can view your child’s current grades on our online Infinite Campus Program. Contact the school if you need assistance logging in to Infinite Campus.
Official School Records
Official “scholastic records” are kept on each child’s educational progress. These records include documentation of pertinent educational growth as a student progresses through school. Disciplinary records, achievement and test data, cumulative health records, reports of assessments for eligibility for special education services, and Individualized Educational Plans or 504 Plans are a part of the student record. These records are available for parental review. Requests for copies of records should be submitted in writing to the school counselor. Either parent, custodial or non-custodial, has access to these records unless barred by court order. Please allow 48 hours’ notice for requests of copies of students’ records.
Promotion/Retention or Administrative Placement
The goal of every educator in Dinwiddie County is to provide educational experiences on a daily basis which will ensure every student multiple opportunities to successfully master the standards necessary for promotion to the next grade level.
Promotion, retention, or administrative placement of a student is always based on a primary concern for what is in the best interest of the student. Academic progress within the classroom and performance on the Standards of Learning (SOL) assessments shall be the major criteria in determining promotion to the next grade level.
Promotion, retention, or administrative placement of a student shall be recommended by the classroom teacher individually or in consultation with other staff members who work with the student. In some cases, the Student Success Team shall serve as the avenue for such consultation. The promotion, retention or administrative placement process will provide ongoing communication with the parents. The report card is one, and only one, means of sharing pertinent information.
Guidelines for K-5 Promotion, Retention, or Administrative Placement
- Classroom performance on grade level standards and objectives shall be the primary consideration in the promotion decision. Classroom performance in math or reading at 69% or below shall trigger a promotion/retention meeting. Parents shall receive notification by the end of the first semester if his/her child is in danger of retention in his/her present grade.
- Standardized test scores, benchmark tests, and end of year cumulative tests, attendance, report card performance, remediation attendance/participation and level of mastery of Standards of Learning strands shall be considered in making promotion/retention decisions in Grades K-2. In grades of subject areas where Standards of Learning assessments (SOLs) are administered, the test results shall also be part of the decision process (Grades 3-5).
- Students should not be retained more than once in grades K-2 and in 3-5.
- Parents shall be notified as soon as promotion is in jeopardy. A meeting will be held wherein a student’s work samples and the intervention strategies being employed can be shared.
- Administrative placement is a transfer of a student who is making marginal academic progress and who is placed at the next grade level because of extenuating circumstances, including but not limited to instructional, social, emotional, age-related, previous retentions or other pertinent factors. No student may be administratively placed at the middle school without the prior approval of the Superintendent or the Superintendent’s designee.
- The Individualized Educational Plan (IEP) Team shall determine the promotion, retention, or administrative placement of students with an IEP.
- During the final marking period, a conference with the parent/guardian shall be scheduled to discuss the final decision regarding retention of the student. If a parent/guardian does not attend, a written summary shall be forwarded to them within five calendar days.
- All decisions shall be made following policy and guidelines, and shall be in the best interest of the child. A parent may file a written appeal of the retention decision.
Student Recognition
Midway recognizes the achievement and performance of students in a variety of ways throughout the year. Students are recognized for perfect attendance, outstanding attendance, academic excellence, Safety Patrol participation, and citizenship. The Outstanding Citizen Award, Linda Glass Language Arts Award, Midway Mathematics Award, Super Scientist Award and the Top Historian Award are given to a 5th grade student at the end-of-year ceremony. End of year recognition is also given to students in grades 1-4 that maintain Gold/Silver Star or Honor Roll status for each nine weeks of the school year.
Honor Roll
Honor Roll is a way of recognizing academic excellence and achievement. Midway adheres to county written procedures to recognize and reward the scholastic achievement of students. The following guidelines apply:
- There will be Principal’s Scholar for students achieving all As.
- There will be Honor Roll for students achieving all As and Bs with no Cs.
- The Honor Roll is for grades 3 through 12 (Kindergarten through grade 2 recognition for academic excellence and achievement will not be called Honor Roll).
- Honor Roll recognition for the year is based on consistent Honor Roll participation throughout the school year. Students must be on the Honor Roll every nine weeks in order to receive end-of-year recognition.
Gold and Silver Star Awards
Excellence in grades one and two is recognized through the Gold (all As) and Silver (all As and Bs) Star Program.
Food Services
Students may buy breakfast for $1.45* per day. Students are encouraged to pay by the week or month. All money is kept on account and debited when used. Students from families whose income falls within a certain range are eligible for either free breakfast or reduced breakfast. Students that are eligible for free or reduced lunches are also eligible for free or reduced breakfast. There is no charging of breakfast allowed in the cafeteria. Payment must be made for all purchases.
Students may buy lunch for $2.75*. Students from families whose income falls within a certain range are eligible for either free lunch or reduced lunch. Students may bring lunch from home and purchase milk at a cost to be determined. We encourage paying by the week or month. Money is kept on file and debited only when meals are purchased. There is no charging of lunch in the school cafeteria. Questions about meal accounts should be directed to the cafeteria manager.
*Prices subject to change
Note: Please remember that free and reduced meal applications must be filled out each year.
Cafeteria Rules
Midway takes pride in its cafeteria services. To maintain an orderly and peaceful atmosphere for eating, students are expected to obey the following lunchroom rules:
- Students may talk quietly to others at their table.
- Each student is to leave his/her eating space clean and to dispose of his/her trash on or around the table.
- All lunches are to be eaten in the cafeteria and not to be exchanged with other students.
- Students will enter and exit the cafeteria in a quiet and orderly fashion while in their class line.
- Healthy food choices are encouraged for students.
- Please note that soft drinks may not be purchased by students from faculty drink machines.
- Students will raise hands for assistance.
Note: Due to the number of students in the cafeteria at one time, limited time and the safety of all, students may not bring foods that require heating in the cafeteria.
Parent and Community Support
PTO (Parent/Teacher Organization)
The primary goal of the Midway Parent/Teacher Organization is to bring awareness that the educational program at Midway requires the interest and support of each parent. Programs which will provide information for parents and teachers are sponsored by the PTO. The Midway PTO will meet on Tuesday evenings on designated months at 6:30 pm. The tentative schedule for 2019-2020 is as follows:
- October: 3rd grade
- November: 4th grade
- December: 5th grade
- February: 2nd grade
- April: 1st grade
- June: Kindergarten
Thousands of dollars have been raised through fund raising activities each year to provide materials and activities for the development and enjoyment of our students. Keep informed by checking the Midway PTO Facebook Page. Become informed and involved with our PTO! The officers for the 2019-2020 PTO Board are as follows:
- President: Christy Schuh
- Recording Secretary: TBD
- President Elect: Carol Moxey
- Corresponding Secretary: Carly Crowder
- Treasurer: Kristin Clay
- Members at Large: Frank Schuh and Amy Rainey
School Volunteer Program
Many of our parents and grandparents as well as other community members support the efforts of our school in a variety of different ways. If you can give a few hours a week or a month to provide assistance at the school, please let us know. We welcome your help!
School Board Meeting
The Dinwiddie County School Board meets the second Tuesday of every month in the Pamplin Administration Building unless special arrangements have been made by the Board. dMeeting times are 4:00 pm. Parents and citizens are welcome to attend.
Visiting the School and Telephone Calls
Visitors are welcome in the school; however, we do request that you sign in at the office and obtain a visitor’s pass to wear while you are in the building. All classroom visitations should be scheduled in advance with the teacher. Except in emergency situations, we cannot interrupt the teacher’s classroom instruction for phone calls. The office staff will be glad to direct your call for leaving a voice-mail message, so the teacher can return your call before or after school or during an instructional break. Feel free to make conference appointments with the teacher or principal whenever a mutually acceptable time can be scheduled. Parents wishing to eat lunch with their child are encouraged to do so, but please send word to the cafeteria before 9:15 am to be included in the lunch count. If you are eating lunch with your child, we ask that you wait outside the cafeteria until your child’s class arrives. Adult lunches are $3.45.* Breakfast for adults is $1.75.* School-aged students within or outside of the school system are not permitted to visit with other students during school hours.
*Prices subject to change
Homeroom Parents and Parties
We are very grateful for the support we receive from parents and volunteers for class parties and other celebrations. We do encourage “healthy” snacks be served at school. Please check with your child’s teacher before bringing refreshments to school.
Parent Support for Creating a Positive School Experience
Parents are asked to assist the Midway staff in creating a school climate conducive to learning in the following ways:
- Have a positive attitude toward the school by showing an interest in the school, attending parent/teacher conferences, volunteering to assist teachers and students with various activities, and attending all school functions.
- Please refrain from discussing problems with teachers, students, and school personnel in front of your child. If you have a question or problem about something pertaining to your child or school, contact the school and get the facts.
- Request a conference with the teacher and/or principal to discuss problems or matters of concern rather than discussing them with friends and neighbors.
- Schedule classroom visits and conferences with the teacher in advance.
- Notices about school events, request for information, etc. will be sent home from time to time. Please stress with your child the importance of bringing notices home to you in a readable form. Return all forms requesting information promptly. Report cards should be signed and returned immediately.
- Send your child to school dressed appropriately for the weather, well fed, and rested with a good night’s sleep and equipped with the proper supplies.
- Discuss daily with your child the events of the school day and monitor his/her progress. Contact the teacher whenever you notice your child having difficulty with a skill.
- Provide a time and place for your child to do homework.
- Set aside a time to read to your child or have him/her read to you.
- Above all, listen to your child and discuss his/her fears, concerns, and joys each day.
Emergency Situations
Emergency Closing
Parents will fill out an emergency closing form at the beginning of the school year. Please make sure that you keep emergency closing information updated. We CANNOT individually call parents for emergency closings but will follow the directions you put on the form. When inclement weather is forecasted, review with your child before school that morning the instructions on your emergency form. If the plan for that day is different from your emergency closing instructions, you must send a note.
Whenever it is necessary to close school because of weather conditions or other problems, please follow these guidelines:
- Listen to the local radio or television stations. Announcements will be made as early as possible.
- If unusual weather develops during the school day, listen to radio stations WPVA and WSSV in Petersburg and WRVA in Richmond, and the television stations: WRIC Channel 8, WWBT Channel 12, and WTVR Channel 6 for school closings.
- If no announcement is made, schools will be open as usual.
- Please do not phone teachers or the principal.
- Our automated telephone parent communication system will be used to communicate closing information whenever possible to your primary number. Please remember to keep your telephone information current to receive this important information.
On occasions, there may be a need to close only 1 or 2 schools for certain emergencies. If the Midway building must be vacated, students will be transported to the Sutherland gym until parent notification is complete.
Weather Warnings
Midway has a weather alert system that signals any unusual weather activity. Teachers are alerted and students are brought to designated “safe areas” in case of high winds or tornado alerts. Tornado drills occur several times a year to make children aware of the procedures to follow. If we are under a tornado “warning”, students will not be dismissed until it is safe to do so. Please DO NOT come to the school to pick up your child during the “warning”. Our teachers, students and office staff will be in appropriate safety positions.
Fire Drills
Students will participate in regularly scheduled fire drills weekly during the first month of school and then monthly throughout the school year. Teachers will make students aware of the procedures to follow. If you are visiting in the building, please exit the building during our drills.
Intruder Drills
Intruder drills are conducted at least four times a year as designated by the Virginia General Assembly. If you are visiting in the building, please follow the designated lock-down procedures being followed by our students and staff.
Bus Evacuation Drills
During the first month of school and again in the spring, students will practice an emergency bus evacuation, so they will know what procedures to follow in case of an accident.
Illness or Injury
If a child is injured or becomes ill at school, we will notify the parent/guardian to come for the child. Please keep in mind, we do not have the facilities or staff to care for the children when they become ill at school, nor are we permitted to treat them.
When a child has a contagious condition such as pink eye, chicken pox, a fever over 100, vomiting or has diarrhea, you will be notified and your child must be picked up from school immediately. There are certain conditions that must be met for the child to return to school. Children should be “fever free” and not have vomited or had diarrhea for 24 hours before returning to school.
When a child has head lice or nits, a parent will be called to pick up the child from school. The child must be treated and nits removed. The child cannot return to school until he/she is lice and nit free. Parents must transport the child to school to be checked by the school nurse before entering the classroom. Students may not ride the bus until cleared by the nurse. Remember to keep emergency phone numbers updated so you can be reached. Please make sure we have multiple phone numbers so you or your designee can be reached. Please encourage good hygiene and hand washing with your child. Prevention is the key to keeping us all safe and well.
Medication at School
If your child is on medication, which must be taken during school hours, it is essential that required forms be completed by the parent and the child’s physician and submitted to the school BEFORE any medication may be dispensed. New forms are required each school year. Forms may be picked up in the school office. All medication must be brought to school by the parent/guardian in the original and current container stating the dosage and method of administration as prescribed by the physician and given directly to the school nurse or office secretaries. The length of time the medicine is to be administered and any possible side effects should be reported on the form. A physician’s signature is required in order for us to administer any medication (prescription or non-prescription). Medication and prescription drugs cannot be brought to school by the student. Please refer to the Dinwiddie Code of Student Conduct for further information. FOR THE SAFETY OF ALL, CHILDREN ARE NOT TO TRANSPORT ANY MEDICATION TO SCHOOL.
Student Conduct
Student Discipline
Like any organization, a school must operate within the framework of certain required or expected codes of conduct. No profane or obscene language will be tolerated. Students are expected to recognize teachers, assistants, administrators, and other adult personnel as figures of authority by adhering to and obeying instructions, classroom and bus rules, and school and school board policies. We as educators, however, do recognize our responsibility to see that such rules, policies, and expectations are reasonable and fair.
Discipline originates in the home. Parents are the first teachers of the child and should develop in him/her good behavior habits and proper attitudes toward school. Students are responsible, with the principal and each faculty and staff member, for maintaining a school environment in which educational programs can flourish and extracurricular programs can precede for the pleasure and benefit of all participants.
Before referring a child to the office for disciplinary action, teachers may deny privileges, telephone parents/guardians or request a conference with the parent/guardian. If the teacher attempts to correct the child’s behavior and is not successful, the principal will meet with the child and determine what additional steps should be taken. Other disciplinary measures may include, but need not be limited to: warning, counseling, special assignments, exclusion from class, loss of privileges which could include extracurricular activities, school suspension or expulsion. Students that are suspended or expelled from school may not be on any school property during the time of the suspension or expulsion. All disciplinary actions should be taken in accordance with due process requirements.
To provide a safe and orderly environment for learning, all students are expected to obey the rules set for our school. The student must:
- Accept the leadership and authority of teachers, the principal, and other staff members.
- Practice good citizenship.
- Be kind, honest, and courteous.
- Practice habits of good health and cleanliness.
- Be regular and punctual in attendance.
- Assist in keeping the grounds and facilities free of paper and other debris.
- Use drinking fountains, play equipment, and restrooms with safety and cleanliness in mind.
- Refrain from throwing any object that could cause injury.
- Refrain from bringing toys, fidget spinners, musical devices or other valuable personal properties to school (including cell phones). These may be lost or stolen and be a problem to find. Elementary students may not have cell phones at school in compliance with the DCPS Code of Student Conduct.
- Refrain from chewing gum while at school or on the bus.
- Walk at all times in the school building.
- Remain on school grounds until dismissed or signed out by an authorized adult.
- Follow the Dinwiddie County Schools Code of Student Conduct.
Elementary Student Dress Code
There is a direct correlation between dress, attitude, and achievement in school. Parents and students are asked to support a standard of dress that contributes to a positive educational environment. A student’s dress and appearance shall not be such that it causes disruption, distracts others from the educational process, or creates a health or safety problem.
Please adhere to the following guide when dressing for school:
- Appropriate shoes are required; either tennis shoes or hard-soled shoes are acceptable. (Flip-flops are not allowed in school at any time as they pose a safety issue). Shoes should be secure on the child’s feet with a strap. Students are also discouraged from wearing shoes with an excessive heel. Tennis shoes are required for P.E.
- Spaghetti straps, bare midriffs, bare shoulders, bare backs, excessively low cut clothing, or clothing made of see-through material are prohibited unless covered with a sweater or jacket.
- Shorts, skirts, and dresses must be the appropriate length. The Principal reserves the right to determine if it’s the appropriate length for school.
- Shorts and pants must be worn at the waistline and be securely fastened. Undergarments may not be visible at any time.
- Hats, caps, hoods and other head coverings will not be worn inside the building.
- Sunglasses may not be worn in school.
- Clothing that exhibits written, pictorial or implied references to illegal substances, alcohol, violence, threats, vulgarities, or causes a disruption to the school environment is prohibited.
- Any item of jewelry or clothing that might create a hazard to a student’s safety may not be worn (ex. large necklaces, chains, or jewelry with sharp points).
- Clothing which is too tight, too revealing, or too loose is not allowed.
Students with inappropriate dress/shoes will be sent to the main office and a parent will be contacted; the parent will be asked to bring an appropriate change of clothing/shoes to the school. Consistent disregard of the Student Dress Code will result in disciplinary action by the school administration.
Note: Dress code rules may be adjusted to accommodate students on specific, announced, school-wide spirit days.
Registration and Class Enrollment
All students entering Midway Elementary School for the first time are asked to furnish the following information: 1.) original birth certificate 2.) social security number 3.) current Virginia physical and immunization record 4.) five (5) proofs of residency and 5.) custody papers (if applicable).
Kindergarten Registration
Each spring the Dinwiddie School System has a week of kindergarten registration for children who will turn five on or before September 30th of the school year in which they will enroll. Although registrations are accepted on an ongoing basis, please take advantage of this registration time. Early registration will help ensure the school has adequate teaching staff and enable you and your child to participate in the orientation activities. We ask that you bring your kindergarten child with you when registering in order for a screening to be completed.
Emergency Health Card
An emergency health card must be filled out on every child in attendance at Midway. Parents must list special health concerns as well as the names and numbers of individuals who will be allowed to pick the child up. Please include the names and numbers of people we could contact in an emergency if the parent is not available. Except for a child’s parents, only persons listed on the card will be able to sign the child out of the school. Please note: Unless we have a court order prohibiting a parent from picking up a child, we are required to release the child to either parent. Remember to inform us immediately when phone numbers change. We must have current phone numbers to ensure that you can be reached in case of emergency. Please make sure that we have more than one name and phone number for each child as an emergency contact.
For a child to attend Dinwiddie Schools, he/she must reside with a natural parent (with legal custody) who is a legal resident of the county; or, have a legal guardian appointed by the court who is a resident of the county; or, be placed in a foster home in the county by a local social services agency. A copy of current custody papers must be on file in the school guidance office. Please call and update the school of any changes in custody or residency. It is against the law to provide false information about school residency. If you move, it is your responsibility to contact the office immediately. (See Code of Student Conduct for further information.) Any information we receive that indicates a child’s parent or legal guardian is not a full-time resident in Dinwiddie County will be investigated by the principal, the school social worker, or the school counselor.
School Fees
There are no textbook rental fees. Textbooks are the property of the school system and are on loan to students. It must be understood that the PARENT AND CHILD ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THESE BOOKS. If a book is lost or damaged, fees established by the School Board will be charged for repair or replacement of the book.
Policies and Procedures Relating to Students
The General Assembly of Virginia enacted a policy that requires school officials to notify parents, guardians, or responsible adults when a child fails to report to school on a regularly scheduled school day. Parents/guardians are asked to contact the school on the morning of the day the child will not be reporting to school. Upon returning to school following an absence, each student is required to bring a note specifying the reason for the absence. The note must be written and signed by the parent/guardian and presented to the office. We must call parents that do not notify the school by 9:30 am when a child is not in school. According to the Dinwiddie Code of Student Conduct:
- After 3 days of unexcused absences, the parent will be contacted by a school official to review the attendance policy;
- After 4 unexcused absences, the attendance team will meet with the student;
- After 5 unexcused absences; an attendance contract will be developed and implemented;
- After 6 unexcused absences; a plan will be developed with the parent to determine if more supports and/or interventions are needed; and,
- After 7 unexcused absences, the school social worker will file a complaint against the student and/or parent through Dinwiddie court system.
Students are expected to be prompt and punctual in attendance at school and to all scheduled classes. All students who arrive late for school, other than on a late bus, must be signed in at the main office by a parent and/or guardian. Any child arriving after 8:35 am is tardy and will be given a tardy slip to be presented to the teacher. No child should be permitted entry to class without a tardy slip signed by office staff. Parents must accompany children to the office and sign the student in when arriving after the tardy bell. Students are tardy if they are not in their classroom at 8:35 am. We ask that students arrive between 8:20 am and 8:30 am to have ample time to get to class without being tardy.
Early Dismissal from School
If a child is to be excused from school during school hours, he/she must have a note written and signed by the parent/guardian indicating the time of dismissal and by what means the child will leave the school campus. A student is not to leave school until he/she has been authorized by office staff and has been signed out in the office. Please help us ensure that students have a full day of instruction by scheduling appointments after 3:30 pm. An early dismissal will be recorded for a student whenever the student leaves before the dismissal bell rings at 3:30 pm. We cannot call classrooms for early dismissals between 3:00 pm and 3:30 pm. After 3:15 pm, parents/guardians are asked to report to the cafeteria and wait until 3:25 pm to sign their child out.
Lost and Found
Clothing items which are found will be placed in our lost and found area. Unclaimed items will be donated to charitable organizations at the end of the school year. Please check the lost and found for missing items.
Returned Checks
A fee of $10.00 is assessed for each returned check. This is the amount charged to the school by the bank. Repeat offenders will be asked to make school purchases by cash or money order only.
Minute of Silence
22.1-203 of the Code of Virginia requires a minute of silence at the opening of each school day.
In order that the right of every pupil to the free exercise of religion be guaranteed within the schools and that the freedom of each individual pupil be subject to the least possible pressure from the Commonwealth either to engage in, or to refrain from religious observation on school grounds, the school board of each school division shall establish the daily observance of one minute of silence in each classroom of the division.
During such one-minute period of silence, the teacher responsible for each classroom shall take care that all pupils remain silent and make no distracting display to the end that each pupil may, in the exercise of his or her individual choice, meditate, pray, or engage in any other silent activity which does not interfere with, distract, or impede other pupils in the like exercise of individual choice.
Nondiscrimination Statement
The Dinwiddie County Public School System does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, age, religion, national origin, or handicapped status.
Drug Free Work Place
Midway Elementary School is an alcohol and drug free work place.