Student Drop-off Information

Morning Drop-Off

When bringing your child to school, please do not leave him or her prior to 8:20 am. We do not have staff assigned for supervision.

  1. Enter school driveway with caution.
  2. Stop at crosswalk.
  3. Students exit on the right hand side of vehicle.
  4. Stop at stop sign and yield to incoming school buses.
  5. If you plan to accompany your child into the building, park to the side of the cafeteria. Please do not park in the two handicap spaces. Walk your child to the front door staying clear of drop-off traffic. For the safety of all, if you have a pet in your car, please park and walk your child in the building rather than going through the student drop off. When leaving the parking lot, please follow the traffic pattern.
  6. Enter building here.
  7. Remember to sign in and obtain a visitor’s pass from the main office. (Must have ID to sign in).

Late Arrival Drop-off

Any student coming in after 8:35 a.m. will need to report to the office and be signed in by a parent.

Student Pick-up Information

Send a note with your child informing us that you will be picking him/her up if your child is not riding the bus home. After 3:25 pm, we ask that you wait in the cafeteria, and we will call your child to the cafeteria. We cannot call classrooms to dismiss individual children at the end of the day unless it is an emergency situation.  We ask that you call to make bus changes only in emergency situations, and if necessary, prior to 3:00 pm. If we do not have parental notification, your child will be sent on his/her regular bus. We do not have supervision for children after 3:35 pm. When school has dismissed in the afternoon, children cannot be taken while in transit between the building and the buses, or off of the bus once they have boarded, without first obtaining permission from the office.

Persons responsible for picking up students in the afternoon from school should be in the cafeteria by 3:25 pm.

  1. Please enter the cafeteria by the side door next to the visitor parking lot.
  2. Adults wait in the designated area.
  3. Students will be seated at a designated table until they are picked up.  The teacher on duty by the hall door will monitor student’s arrival to the cafeteria.
  4. Persons responsible for pick up must sign children out at the table before exiting the cafeteria.  Be prepared to show ID.  After sign out has been completed for all children in your care, please exit as quickly as possible.  Do not send children to the parking lot without you.

Please note:

  • Afternoon car riders will be dismissed from the cafeteria only.  Please do not go to the office to sign your child out of school. Office dismissals are registered as “early dismissals”.
  • Students will not be allowed to re-enter the building until all of the buses have departed.
  • If your child is not a regular car rider, he/she must have a note to be picked up.  This note must be turned in to the teacher in the morning, so the office can be notified.
  • If we do not have parental notification, your child will be sent home on his/her regular bus.
  • Phone calls to change plans are confusing to students especially in the afternoon and are discouraged. If the child does not have a note, the child will be put on his/her regular afternoon bus.  Children are frequently confused by verbal instructions.  Please do not tell your child that you are picking him/her up without sending a note to verify this change.
  • When exiting the parking lot, pass through the Stop Sign lane, and wait to be dismissed by the staff member with the flag.  For the safety of all, do not exit through the gate beside the cafeteria during arrival and dismissal times.  Cars will be held in the driveway while buses are dismissed.