Ties and Tiaras Dance
Calling all girls! Bring your father (or male role model) for a magical night!
On Friday, February 21, Midway will hold a Ties and Tiara Dance in the Midway Gym from 6:30 p.m- 8:00 p.m. Pre-order tickets for this event are $5.00 per family and $7.00 per family at the door (only a limited number of tickets will be available at the door). Pictures will be available for purchase at the event for $10.00. Complimentary refreshments will also be served. Due to capacity restrictions, this event is for the special man in your daughter’s life. We hope to see you “dressed in your best” for this fun night!
Please send in exact cash ($5.00) or checks made payable to Midway PTO along with your pre order ticket that is attached to your child’s flyer. Tickets for the event will not be sent home. We will keep a list and check you in at the door to the event.